This blog was created as part of a digital imaging class for school. The pictures made in that class are posted here. All content on this blog was made by me. I hope you like it!

Friday, June 7, 2013

"Game Cover" Photoshop assignment

I'm not sure this was actually an assignment, but I had fun with it.
The idea was to create the case cover for a game. I made up one called "Biomes" and designed a picture for it. The first image is my original cover design, the second one is modified for a PS3 template.

"Spot the Difference" Photoshop project

For this project we used pictures we had already taken. We duplicated the pictures, and then changed things about them.
Can you spot the difference?

Tuesday, June 4, 2013

"Scanography" Photoshop assignment

For this assignment, we used a scanner to scan some objects. After we made the scans, we used the styles on Photoshop to create interesting backgrounds and effects.